Please join us for our Fish and Fisheries Public Seminar Series, taking place each year in April. Talks will be on a variety of fish topics ranging from bigeye tuna tagging to socioeconomic considerations for fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and will be held at Maritime Gloucester on Thursday evenings, 7 pm. Watch past seminars via our YouTube channel
Our lasts publication comes from Dr. Jessica Knapp's work on eastern and western Atlantic bluefin tuna spawning stocks. This study represents the first attempt since the 1970's to accurately assess spawning condition of ABFT sampled on the Gulf of Mexico spawning grounds and is the first histological and stereological comparision of the eastern and western spawning stocks.
Check out Dr. Walter Golet's lastest manuscript on the movement of commerical size ABFT schools east and out of the Gulf of Maine. The authors' conclude "Our results portray the distribution of commerical size ABFT schools (>185 cm CFL) and provide evidence that a gradual longitudinal shift to the east has reduced availability to the U.S. fishery and contributed to the observed decrease in U.S. commerical landings in the Gulf of Maine."
The Pew Charitable Trust recently released a document entitled "The Best Available Science on Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna." They claim that the document "...outlines some of the key scientific issues under discussion and debate, the unsupported hypotheses being proposed, and an explanation of what the best available science really indicates." LPRC scientists and many of our collegues believe this fact sheet is a subjective selection of information, lacks scientific credibility and appears agenda driven. LPRC's Dr. Molly Lutcavage and Ben Galuardi teamed up with our scientific colleagues, Dr. Steve Cadrin, UMass Dartmouth, and Dr. Walt Golet, University of Maine, to present the issues as seen by expert bluefin tuna scientists. Please click here to read our response to the Pew Fact Sheet.